I was wandering around, visiting a mind set not seen as often in my nights anymore. Into a small place I ventured, nearly a recess from the evenings happenings I knew that it wasn’t really the correct use of the space Or rather, I was using it right, but not really right to be using it so. And I was waiting to be told so So when a comment came, easy and on the side, I pounced. Righteous indignation, all prepped and poised. But that wasn’t how the comment was meant. In fact, the opposite. It was friendly, full of camaraderie. Referencing the exact same past that I had set up as knives and shields To do my battling for my cause. It sucks to know you are the one wrong, again. Simply so. I promptly realized and corrected my wrong way-ing. And all was allowed to pass. Thankfully so. On into the world and the night I went. Thinking back, I still am a little hit by that small scene. Not because I was wrong; I often am. But because I was acting out of my self. Out of character. Why, I wonder? What was I leaning towards? I’ll never know, I guess. And I am happy with that. Now it is on this ending of a quiet longer break That I find some unexpected peace Patience and well being from a sense of the moment I again sort of wonder where this is leading Do all the paths change towards the same colorful end?
Relaxing little Sunday full of sun and friends There are thoughts needed to be known Choices and actions to make and take But today is a relaxing little Sunday So it will be right to play and smile Let the troubles wait if they have the guts We’ll fight them when we’re finished here.
Bouncy little laughs escape the eyes Taking the smug darkness to the back All for the sunshine Cool breezes with the engine roaring The whole time ahead bigger and better Smart and strong like before It feels so good to just be touched By the cool winds and the waiting peace Entranced by the day Others are busy and they may like that It isn’t that I am lazy but I do like the pause To think and be So a long weekend with no real plans Rather steams of maybes to float Is the path I will follow Storing up the here and home for later Taking the snap shots in my mind To keep me close when away
Still a little Slave playing the tunes you're told Thinking you are bright and free Ignoring the chains you grip so tightly Some have Masters outside themselves Bowing to gods they want to see Always a choice to look away turned down But some, this one, is trapped from within By stupid rage and failing ability A slave to the pathetic need to Spite Which is terrible, as all there really is Is caring and closeness and loving But not to those that turn away Unneeded gashing of teeth and of mind When life is easy and full to the brim Of happy pleasures to give and receive When you where a Slave to your passion At least you seemed sane As you were used and taken This false portrayal of Freedom Is adding to the Shit in the world Trying to hide your obedience to your foolishness But as the good Slave you've always been You'll serve your real Master again With your disappointment, shock, and tears.
I see her walking, See her walking like a cat. I said I wish that I could walk like that. I see her walking, See her walking like a sailor. I said I wish I could be walking right beside her. I hear her talking, Hear her talking like a cat. I said I wish that I could talk like that. I hear her going "reeow, reeeooowww" I see her sitting, See her sitting by the fire. I said I wish I could be sitting right beside her. Me and her in time going boom boom boom She goes boom swagger swagger boom boom swagger Boom boom booom Swagger swagger boom boom swagger boom boom boom Swagger swagger boom boom swagger boom boom boom