Stretch It Out

Bouncy little laughs escape the eyes
Taking the smug darkness to the back
All for the sunshine

Cool breezes with the engine roaring
The whole time ahead bigger and better
Smart and strong like before

It feels so good to just be touched
By the cool winds and the waiting peace
Entranced by the day

Others are busy and they may like that
It isn’t that I am lazy but I do like the pause
To think and be

So a long weekend with no real plans
Rather steams of maybes to float
Is the path I will follow

Storing up the here and home for later
Taking the snap shots in my mind
To keep me close when away

Zen peace to you man, totally. Go with the flow :D
'Pause, think and be'. Indeed.
And you provide them all in spades, Mr Venom. Thank you...
Thank you, guys!
Makes one feel part of something.
And that something is caring.
Rock on!
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