Ugly Inside

Dirty teethed little grub-rots sneak around behind the corners
Frickling and frockling towards some sneaky end
Twisted bumpy bits are searching for a place

That will give way to their intrusion and allow them in
Then the gooey and frothy little stink breathe dance

Between the ugly wants and the forsaken taken
It is a sight to see, I tell you
If ever you dared the eyes to bend to that gash

The view, forever telled and seen
There they roll and fever and spray
Choking with hurry as panic near they grope
Their eyes aren't for seeing and their tongues don't speak wordy

But what they're using they're using for the use intended
With every little twitchy muscle they be reaching
For that moment that makes them feel real and sure

Slight in its time, but crazy making in its high
Just like you

Just like I