Simple Thoughts on a Sunday Night
Couldn't tell you when the simple came
It was there one morning
Leaving all other thoughts of deeper need

She never let the days get in the way
Of how her nights should have been
When she dreamt
Of them

Even if they are no longer speaking
In our ears when we turn around
Their true bestowing
Never left

this makes me hope, maybe i'll get simple too.
once again, Rex, you've poured salt in an open wound, but it's cleansing& appreciated.
Simple is beautiful.
simple is the new complex?
:) guess not, hope not.
simple is the new COMPLEX
in INDIA, we dont have social security
we have much much more
We have the Hindu Joint Family
google it to learn more
even in non Hindu families
we have SOLID bonding with friends and family
I was down and out with wife and 2 kids
and no job, no income
Albert and Pegs my dear bro and bhabhi looked after us
for a year and more
booze and ciggies was given by my pal Willie
u wont find this kinda bonding no where else on this planet
God has blessed INDIA
Hindus and Muslims are not Christians,
but these guys in India are more Christ-ian than u or me
This post was so many things to me? Can't quite explain but makes me smile tingle, luv the pics babes.
Like so many things, sometimes the simple can show up when you least expect it. ;)
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