Caution: CHUD Mess ahead.

This is an email I received:
If these people only knew the ASShole you really were, you certainly have been doing a good job at fooling everyone lately.
I find it hard to believe you have turned over this new leaf since you continue to be the same jack ASS to me.
I actually did call you yesterday, you may have gotten a missed call or a hang up if you actually had your phone on, I received an important call the same time your phone rang once and I switched over to answer, then we had company, then we went out, then we came home had dinner and a bath and I was getting her ready for bed and another attempt to call you and I received a message from a friend that reads your blog and they sent me the contents and after reading, I figured why should I even bother calling someone who continues to put me down and call me names to make himself feel better, very mature grant!
You don't care about anyone but yourself, never have, never will.
I'm not going to let my daughter be disappointed by some selfish bastard that has no remorse and takes no responsibility for his actions, why should she get to know you when you will just disappoint her too.
As for that last minute cheap ASS Christmas gift, well, we won't even go there, you know it sucks!
I am not going to argue or state my opposing views. But this is typical of what I must deal with. Every time.
But, in case I really am fooling anyone, or being fake, or am really an ass, then anyone who wishes to communicate with the emails author, to get The Real Story, can email me at
Note: I really liked the gifts. They weren't last minute at all.
In fact, I will wonder out loud on this topic.
When I was little I loved toys that were not restrictive or already made to be played a certain way.
You know, all these electronic ‘push This button’ ohh ‘toys makes This noise and That lights up’
Oh. Wow. Don’t be fooled. The poor child is bored with that sort of thing by the third time, and unless they have other toys, then they just don’t know that life and playtime doesn’t have to be boring.
But then again, I have always had an active mind. Maybe those with Herd mentality minds don’t understand what I mean. But that doesn’t matter, as my goal is to make sure a Little Someone never joins the Herd.
Hence, I gave some Toy Blocks. Simple and tough. But they challenge the imagination right away and allow the creative and inquisitive mind to grow. Here, from a website about toys:

Toy blocks :
A guide for the science-minded parent
They might not be as flashy as the battery-powered robots and electronic games.
But toy blocks-—and other construction toys-—are among the best developmental toys that money can buy.
A set of blocks can help your child develop
• motor skills and hand-eye coordination
• spatial skills
• creative problem-solving skills
• social skills, and
• language skills.
Moreover, kids can integrate their own constructions into pretend play scenarios. And there is evidence that complex block-play is linked with advanced math skills in later life.
Yeah. That sure sounds like it sucks. Well, just in case I am fooling myself this time. For a sweet little girl a couple on months before her 2nd Birthday, would you label Blocks as a toy that sucks (never mind that they were thoughtfully picked out or lovingly sent)?
Oh. And there was a little story book…with a Jeep!
I wish some people would just grow up. Dragging things up from the past again and again doesn't do them or anyone else any good.
Personally I wouldn't bother responding to this person, ever. That sort of childish behavior doesn't deserve anything.
But that is just me. Good Luck Rex.
Yeah, I know. You are right.
And for the most part I do ignore what I can. But I have to interact to be able to talk to The Little Beauty (still waiting), and sometimes, I just have to see if the world agrees with me, at all, that this kind of mentality is insane.
And every now and then, sometimes, I just have to say Gotcha.
Rock on!
oh, oh. I am so leaving a comment on this one. Okk lady, lets say my name is Chickie Poo for starters. I am a friend of grants, and lady I can't spell either so this is gonna be interesting for ya. Look, I am a mother so I know how you fell about that gift, she is only 2. But you know it doesn't matter, who cares if it was last minute or not, I don't say it was, because grant is non stop talking about his little baby girl (aka squidds)
It is the thought that counts, and he got her something that he picked out himself. My kid don't know the father, and prob never will, He wanted the whole nine yards DNA everything and still denies his kid. No phone calls, no presents, no cards nothing. Grant is a great guy, and he wants to see and spend time with her. He has a great friends, and for the record his friend panda is not fat bitch, she is a very beautiful young woman and has a wonderful smile. Grant is very lucky to have her as a friend.
Oh I can go on forever on this. He here for her, and you know I know how you feel right now, I felted the same thing with my child father at first, but you know life is short, don't do this to your daughter. Your punishing her keeping her away from her dad, I know. And you will see it too when she gets older. Grant your awsome, I am riled up now, shit I want some action. You wanna go hunny buns, call me ; )
Thanks for the great comments. I do infact have a great smile and am alot smarter then everyone thinks. And you are right the only one who is suffering that poor beautiful daughter who will someday turn her back on her mom and realize what a pathetic, loser, crazy bitch she really is. I feel bad for poor autumn who has not gotten to know the great people that could be surrounding her. The mother needs all the attention she can get and if trapping a poor little girl into not knowing her father there is something soooo totally insane about her. You dont know me, i know the situation..iv put up with your verbal and threatening emails kelly i am noy scared for i am far better and rise above your petty verbal abuse! You suck...i rock!
You don't know me or the situation, you only know what he wants you to know which isn't much except whatever it takes to make himself look good ( which happens to be all the bullshit he can muster )
I bet you he didn't tell you he begged me for the whole pregnancy on a daily basis to have an abortion, (he thought he could somehow convince me like he had the others) or that he did deny her paternity even after she was born ( even though she looked just like him, thank God she grew out of that!) and didn't bother for a few months to get a test done because he didn't want to be her father, or that for the first year of her life he didn't come around much (and I can count the # of times on both hands) because she couldn't do stuff( his words) he would show up for a visit and decide not to come in, or that he would only stay 5 mins because that was good enough for him, or that he upset her so much a few times and had her in tears and when I asked him to leave he kicked the bedroom door open where I was trying to console my daughter and calm her down because he frightened her, and proceeded to scare her even more, or she would go to the door and get his coat and shoes and take him to the door so he would leave because even she didn't want him around. ( she is still afraid of men with beards, hmmm, I wonder where that stems from?)
Or that for her first birthday he gave her a card that had an old man on the front and it read, its your birthday, I'm so happy I could fart. Nice!
That's not even half of it.
I didn't move to get away from him, that was just a bonus, I moved to be closer to friends and family that could offer support, something grant didn't know how to do because when I asked he was always busy,gotta go to the movies, gotta go drinking, gotta have some wings, gotta play DND, so I just stopped asking.
So Miss Anonymous,or chickie poo, our situations are quite different, he may talk a big talk to make himself look like the good guy, but when it actually comes down to it, he Sucks!!!
I find it funny that he needs to air his dirty laundry in order to get people to feel sorry for him, because if they actually knew the truth, well, let's just say no one would feel any sympathy for him.
Also the way he treats me isn't helping his case any either, his continued insults and lack of respect are just making the situation worse, but I bet he tells everyone he is mr peaches and cream, HA! Again, if you only knew.
He had his chance to have a relationship with her, I gave him every opportunity to be in her life on a daily basis, and as far as I'm concerned he blew it, BIG TIME!!
He can't just expect to have this magical relationship with my daughter and not put forth any effort, it doesn't work that way, he can't just decide after a year of her life that maybe its ok that she is in the world and he might want to take part in her life.
I'm just doing the same thing he did, he decided that he didn't need to be around, and now I'm deciding that too!
Its not like I'm just some girl he met and knocked up, we have known each other for over 20yrs, so think what you want, I don't care, the important people know the truth and when Autumn is old enough she will too!
I'm not going to allow her to be added to the list of people that he disappoints, you can continue to be on that list Ms Bitch Face DOUCHE BAG Karla Hartling, but then again, you're an idiot!
You deserve what you get, you're so blinded by your unrequited love for grant you would believe anything he told you or do anything he asked. How long has he been using you now, hmmm? Over 2 yrs by my count, Wow! you're a winner!!
Why don't you mind your own fucking business and get a life!
And since when do crooked ass yellow teeth make for a great smile? Oh wait, I guess in your circle of friends that lack hygiene it would be. How Sad!
You don't know me or the situation, you only know what he wants you to know which isn't much except whatever it takes to make himself look good ( which happens to be all the bullshit he can muster )
I bet you he didn't tell you he begged me for the whole pregnancy on a daily basis to have an abortion, (he thought he could somehow convince me like he had the others) or that he did deny her paternity even after she was born ( even though she looked just like him, thank God she grew out of that!) and didn't bother for a few months to get a test done because he didn't want to be her father, or that for the first year of her life he didn't come around much (and I can count the # of times on both hands) because she couldn't do stuff( his words) he would show up for a visit and decide not to come in, or that he would only stay 5 mins because that was good enough for him, or that he upset her so much a few times and had her in tears and when I asked him to leave he kicked the bedroom door open where I was trying to console my daughter and calm her down because he frightened her, and proceeded to scare her even more, or she would go to the door and get his coat and shoes and take him to the door so he would leave because even she didn't want him around. ( she is still afraid of men with beards, hmmm, I wonder where that stems from?)
Or that for her first birthday he gave her a card that had an old man on the front and it read, its your birthday, I'm so happy I could fart. Nice!
That's not even half of it.
I didn't move to get away from him, that was just a bonus, I moved to be closer to friends and family that could offer support, something grant didn't know how to do because when I asked he was always busy,gotta go to the movies, gotta go drinking, gotta have some wings, gotta play DND, so I just stopped asking.
So Miss Anonymous,or chickie poo, our situations are quite different, he may talk a big talk to make himself look like the good guy, but when it actually comes down to it, he Sucks!!!
I find it funny that he needs to air his dirty laundry in order to get people to feel sorry for him, because if they actually knew the truth, well, let's just say no one would feel any sympathy for him.
Also the way he treats me isn't helping his case any either, his continued insults and lack of respect are just making the situation worse, but I bet he tells everyone he is mr peaches and cream, HA! Again, if you only knew.
He had his chance to have a relationship with her, I gave him every opportunity to be in her life on a daily basis, and as far as I'm concerned he blew it, BIG TIME!!
He can't just expect to have this magical relationship with my daughter and not put forth any effort, it doesn't work that way, he can't just decide after a year of her life that maybe its ok that she is in the world and he might want to take part in her life.
I'm just doing the same thing he did, he decided that he didn't need to be around, and now I'm deciding that too!
Its not like I'm just some girl he met and knocked up, we have known each other for over 20yrs, so think what you want, I don't care, the important people know the truth and when Autumn is old enough she will too!
I'm not going to allow her to be added to the list of people that he disappoints, you can continue to be on that list Ms Bitch Face DOUCHE BAG Karla Hartling, but then again, you're an idiot!
You deserve what you get, you're so blinded by your unrequited love for grant you would believe anything he told you or do anything he asked. How long has he been using you now, hmmm? Over 2 yrs by my count, Wow! you're a winner!!
Why don't you mind your own fucking business and get a life!
And since when do crooked ass yellow teeth make for a great smile? Oh wait, I guess in your circle of friends that lack hygiene it would be. How Sad!
I hope you can both get this sorted for everyones sake.
I see that some people feel strongly about some things.
And that some have centered on some things from the past, though bad, which have changed, and not shown them in full light, or lied.
But, that is the magic of views and sides to a story.
Everyone has one.
I will have to ask anyone who has any respect for me to not blatantly Attack anyone else here. Sure, I get hot under the collar like anyone else, but the crudeness just makes communication more difficult.
And trust me, I know that Some have no respect and will in no way lessen their assault. Ignore them.
Suffice it to say I thank those for the support, and I say let it go.
Hi to the new people! It isn’t always like this here….
Rock on!
Well, this is very interesting although I don't think it's wise to make it public - or keep insulting each other. But then again, I've made a lot of things public too, anonymously. It's good to get fresh opinions sometimes. And we used to insult or should I say hammer each other with my husband, back when he treated me like shit and left me when I was pregnant.
I think everyone realizes that there are always two sides to a story and nobody thinks that Rex is perfect. And I really feel sad for the little girl and her mother as they've obviously been through a lot of pain. But I'm not taking sides!! How could I, I don't know anything. And I know that things are always more complicated than they seem.
But as a child who never got to know her father I'd say it's important that a child can keep contact to her father if she wants to - at least when she's a bit older. It's great that you're at least communicating because my mother just cut all connections and so I felt like a half of a person all my life. But naturally, if meeting the father causes pain and stress for the child, you must think carefully how to arrange it.
I think we all agree that the child is most important but I remember how hard it was to think about the child when you were going through a lot of pain yourself. But it's no excuse.
My husband also suspected that the child was not his and wanted a DNA test which I refused because I thought it was an insult. We have two children now and on both occasions we've been fighting instead of being happy about the pregnancy. But now we've settled our arguments and are enormously happy about our children. And he has changed from an unreliable drinker to an excellent father. And both of the kids look exactly like him!! So who's the mother?! ;-)
Please, both of you, don't take personally anything that I've said as I don't mean to insult or criticize either of you. I just wanted to share some thoughts and experiences.
Rex, that was a great gift even though my 2 year old girl always hated the cubes. ;-) She's a lego fan. My "father" never sent me anything...
And ex, I hear you and I wish you all the best. Both of you, or all of you!! Exes, girlfriends, boyfriends, children, everyone. I really wish you can work this out and stop insulting each other. I've been through hell myself so I know it's not easy.
I have known Rex now for four years. Which, in comparison to your history, is not long. I would say that one of his qualities is loyalty. He has been a very good friend to me. Another of his qualities his perseverance. I have met far worse people than Rex. I have met people so racist that they poison he air around them. I have met people so ignorant of the world around them that they care not for the world that they leave behind to their children. Those are qualities Rex lacks. He is one of the most aware and accepting persons I know.
I have met you as well ( the mom) and though I don't know you that well, I would also hazard to say that you have some great qualities as well. i do remember times when Rex would have a great smile on his face, and I knew who he would be spending time with.
So, in closing, I do hope that things work out for the best in the end. For both of you and the baby. :) Which I have to say, you two have made a very cute baby.
Wisdom and fair words!
That should hopefully put a nice end to this thread.
It is interesting to put ideas out into the web, and see what thoughts are brought back.
Rock on!
I was going to have a bit of a rant-style comment, but think I'll avoid that after seing essay-sized ones above.
To put my opinion simply, any woman that thinks keeping their child from knowing their father is wrong. Plain as day.
If you really are an ass, Rex, she'll find that out for herself. If not, then that's fantastic :)
But seriously Rex, her mother keeping her away from you...well, your daughter will resent her for it later in life, for not giving her the opportunity to know you.
I've been through nightmares with my son's dad, begging me to have an abortion when I was pregnant (to be honest neither of us were ready, but I didn't see 'inconvenience' as being a valid reason to have an abortion), has refused to pay maintenance after finding a new girlfriend to spend his money on, and refused outright to discuss our son other than to say when he will be picking him up and dropping off, which leaves me stranded half the time not lknowing what to do.
But none of that matters. He's his dad, and if he wants to see his son, he sees him. It's not my place to stop them spending time together unless my boy is in danger in any way.
To be honest, I'm disgusted that some women still think it's their right to keep their child away from their fathers, just because they don't see eye to eye.
I won't be checking back here for follow-up comments or arguments. I get forum rage at the best of times and always argue my point to the very end, and this wouldn't be a productive way to spend my time.
I hope you guys get this sorted!
Oh, and kudos on the blocks :D mine loves his, great way to actually learn and not discover a button that makes something do something for a few seconds then inevitably get bored after 2 minutes :D
Ms B - I always appreciate someone speaking from experience. I know my view is just what I am building as I learn, as is the mother's. We both believe in our ideas, as do most, and it is unfortunate that this leads to disagreement. And, as was said in a comment before, it is all really about our daughter.
So, even though I feel foolish for letting myself get drawn into disagreements, and public display of immaturity, that can be worth it to hear all the stories and attitudes of people who have gone and come through events relating to my own.
I learn from just putting stuff Out There.
Rock on!
Branwen - Thank you for the thoughts and words. I like the wistfulness of your blog.
Rock on!
i have so many things i could say but i dont want to add to the ugly so for now ill just leave it at this
blocks totally rock - my boy is 7 and very clever
scientifically inclined and endlessly inquisitive - blocks are still something he plays with on a weekly basis
peace folks
ok one more thing...just cuz i cant help myself
i have experienced this from Little Beautys side
my mother is a beautiful and intelligent woman who was 'done wrong' by the men in her life
she is still as she approaches 60 consumed by hatred and bitterness towards mine and my brothers fathers
as a child this was confusing for us, we felt we were betraying her if we loved them or enjoyed them
but we did and eventually as we both grew up and had our own children and failed relationships we saw things clearly and were able to make out own decisions
the sad truth at this point is that we are both much closer to those 'bad men' than we are to our long suffering mother
because in the end it doesnt matter what they did to her or what she perceived they did, only how they loved us
the only good that came of it for me and my beautiful brother was that we are far better parents than our mother was and that we never let bitterness or anger rule us
that was the lesson our mother taught us...and we pity her now for her inability to grow up and let it go
i wish your baby momma peace, real long lasting peace
because thats what will be best for the child
Wow, Rex Venom
I am blown away, I don't think it was necessary to post that email on your blog. Personally I agree with the first anonymous, and that is... you are looking for attention. This should be kept private, within your own circle of friends and family not a soap story. The blog is to share your thoughts and feelings, not your life. Take some advise, look after the child and start fresh for one. Get out more, and see what is out there and you may find your dream girl for seconds. And your a man, grow some balls for thirds only women shares there shit with the world.
A - I really enjoy the way you put things. And, you give much to think on. Thanks
Kurt - I wasn’t looking for attention. I had and have my reasons for what I put on my blog. Now, I admit some of those reasons may be flighty or impulsive at times, but this wasn't one of those times.
My goal was reached. But hey, thanks for stopping by.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I will get out and grow some balls. It is New Years Eve after all!
Rock on!
just seen, lol.
Your gonna grow a new set of balls, last time I checked you had a nice set ; )
Happy New Year
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