Bright and all that.

Little horns tell their swollen tales and I listen
Trying to see the gift in their hints
Like the bird that chatters
Mocking after your gone.
Time to pleasure and clean
Time to get out and get ready
Time to sit back and think
Enjoying the clicking and clanking of the gears.
All that can be wanted can be had.
Just be careful what you want.
And, most importantly,
How you think it should be had.

All that can be wanted can be had.
Just be careful that u r not had
Ya Rex baby many a time I been taken for a ride
all that she wanted was my money
when she realized I had none
she dropped me like a hot potato
and i tot she loved me
silly me
Saby the Jimmy
Worse still, she may have thought that she didn't, and now she sits with her dirty money all spent and only now realizes she did love you, and hurts.
You be well, my old boy!
Rock on!
swollen tales and the lovely fabrication of truth.
bitter are we? ;)
oh& my anon is a saint compared to yours haha but i appreciate the chuckle so early
I hope I am not bitter. That is a very unattractive trait. It is even worse than vengeful as it is passive. And all vengeance is a weak man's game. True strength is not allowing others to mistreat you, thus eliminating the need for vengeful acts!
oh boy. The brain is spilling out too easy today!
Rock on!
All will work out Rex. Rock on!!
Thanks Rager!
Rock on!
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