For The Big Man
Sometimes things suck
Things get rough
Everyone seems fucking crazy
All they want to do is fuck with you
Conspiring to make you hurt
To make you go nuts
Well, fuck them and fuck that!
No need to run away or change your life
All you got to do is be willing to fight
Even if all that means is just to have hope
Hope is eternal my friend...we fight the fight cos we gotta, life is a struggle. Opening my eyes and just getting through a day can be torture...but you, you man do the real 'stuff'. Hold onto the thoughts of those who love you while you are gone...their strength will keep you company :)
puttin on the gloves! Time to fight back!
Is it wrong that I am really gonna miss you blog-people for the next half year?
I'll fight. You guys keep your guard up too.
Rock on!
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